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Supporting Sustainable, Solution-Centric Youth Development Is Crucial to Ensuring the Future of South Africa

In a recent article published by iAfrica, SAAYC Executive Director Jeff Mkhwanazi discusses some of the critical issues facing youth, and delves into possible solutions to overcoming these overwhelming challenges experienced by young people in South Africa and across the African continent:

This year marks a momentous milestone for South Africa as we commemorate 30 years of democracy. 30 years since the first democratic election we as a nation faced, with much hope and aspirations.

Three decades later, we are still confronted with a colossal socio-economic challenge in creating an environment that reflects youth progress and development on a large and sustainable scale. In fact, in some aspects we have retrogressed, with young people in an even more dire position when it comes to poor employment prospects, poverty, high levels of crime, limited access to education, sexual abuse and numerous social ills. 

Merely treating the symptoms is not a long-term situation – the emphasis needs to be on strategic solutions that address the root of problems. 

Click here to read more: https://bit.ly/4cEgOFA

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